Report of the Asian Christian Conference on the Scientific, Technological and Social Revolutions in Asian perspective

Report of the Asian Christian Conference on the Scientific, Technological and Social Revolutions in Asian perspective

제목  Report of the Asian Christian Conference on the Scientific, Technological and Social Revolutions in Asian perspective
내용  Introduction, New perspectives on development, The problem of power, Challenging exploitation by the developed nations, Curbing the waste of the arms race, Development, Environment and quality of life, Relevant technology, Technology and unemployment, The educational system and technological development, Impact of technology on asian women's role, Population growth and unemployment, Conclusions and tasks for the asian churches 항목으로 구성된 내용
생산자  [미상]
생산연도  1973
기록유형  문서류
기록형태  일반문서
원본형태  비전자
크기분량  10쪽
언어  영어
기술계층  건(Item)
식별번호  YWCA-I-B202000717
관리번호  9674
목록구분  소장기록