Social Development

Social Development

제목  Social Development
내용  Social Development, Youth in National Development Role, Role of Education in Economic and Social Development, The Human Resources, Questions for consideration, For study, For discussion, TOWARD JUSTICE AND PEACE 'That they may see your good works' Matt.5:16, 'YWCA in the 1970's' Toward Better Use of Women Power for Social Development, UNITED TOGETHER Toward Justice and Peace, 수기 등 포함
생산자  [미상]
생산연도  미상
기록유형  문서류
기록형태  일반문서
원본형태  비전자
크기분량  9쪽
언어  영어
기술계층  건(Item)
식별번호  YWCA-I-A202001410
관리번호  8879
목록구분  소장기록