[YWCARelease]Korea YWCA leading the ‘YWCA After You’ campaign

[YWCARelease]Korea YWCA leading the ‘YWCA After You’ campaign

제목  [YWCARelease]Korea YWCA leading the ‘YWCA After You’ campaign
내용  Korea YWCA leading the ‘YWCA After You’ campaign in the midst of COVID-19 mask shortage' 라는 제목의 보도자료. The National YWCA of Korea(Korea YWCA) with its 53 local YWCA branches nationwide encourages communities to ‘halt, take a break’ from the daily routines as the numbers of COVID-19 (a.k.a coronavirus) cases constantly skyrockets nationwide. Starting March 6th, Friday, Korea YWCA launched the ‘YWCA After You Campaign’ which is an expression of consideration and tenderness towards those in need and the blind-spots of the community. It is an online campaign to show the awareness that all Koreans are part of a shared community and the people can overcome the tough times by treating others as if they were their own kith and kin. ‘YWCA After You Campaign encourages individuals to 1) follow the personal hygiene guideline for COVID-19, 2) minimize unnecessary travels or meetings, 3) care for others first in mask purchasing, 4) use the re-usable cotton mask and 5) consider the elders, care workers and medical professional first in the midst of this diseases outbreak. Korea YWCA and its local branches joining the online 'AfterYou' campaign. Several newspaper articles have been posted. Daegu YWCA packaging the relief goods consist of vitamins, hand sanitizers and masks for its community. Daegu_YWCA_1사진, Daegu_YWCA_2 사진 등 포함
생산자  한국YWCA연합회
생산연도  2020
기록유형  문서류
기록형태  보도자료/성명서
원본형태  전자
크기분량  6쪽
언어  영어
기술계층  건(Item)
식별번호  YWCA-I-G202000432
관리번호  724
목록구분  소장기록