Needs of women and girls some questions for further consideration

Needs of women and girls some questions for further consideration

제목  Needs of women and girls some questions for further consideration
내용  Achieving a satisfactory pattern of dependence-independence', 'Learning to accept and adjust to as ever changing body', 'Achieving as appropriate giving-receiving pattern of affection', 'Gaining knowledge and relating to the world', 'Developing a core of values', 'Taking responsibility'에 대한 질문 내용
생산자  [World YWCA]
생산연도  1963
기록유형  문서류
기록형태  일반문서
원본형태  비전자
크기분량  2쪽
언어  영어
기술계층  건(Item)
식별번호  YWCA-I-202000030
관리번호  5340
목록구분  소장기록