Go and do likewise; World YMCA/YWCA Week of Prayer and World Fellowship

Go and do likewise; World YMCA/YWCA Week of Prayer and World Fellowship

제목  Go and do likewise; World YMCA/YWCA Week of Prayer and World Fellowship
내용  -Presidents' Message
-World YMCA/YWCA Week of Prayer and World Fellowship
-My Neighbour : The Poor / Prayer
-My Neighbour : The Refugee / Prayer
-My Neighbour : The Victim of Racism / Prayer
-My Neighbour : The Migrant / Prayer
-My Neighbour : The Political Prisoner / Prayer
-A Worship Service
-Bible Reading Plan 1980~1981
생산연도  1980
기록유형  도서간행물류
기록형태  단행본
크기분량  19쪽
언어  영어
식별번호  YWCA-W-198002
관리번호  13232
목록구분  소장기록